PT. Pava Mandiri Makmur is a company engaged in the field of technical equipment products, specifically parts in the field of conveyor systems (Bulk Materials) such as parts for Conveyor Stone Crusher, Batching Plant, Minning Crusher, Textile, Power plant etc. We are located in South Tangerang. Our products have proven their quality and excellence so that they can be relied on for your industry. We also provide connection services for Conveyor Belts both cold / cold splicing and hot / hot splicing, Lagging / Pulley conveyor, conveyor repair etc. With the support of our experienced technicians we are sure to be able to provide the best for the customer.
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Rp. 120,000
Rp. 3,000
Rp. 1,500,000
Rp. 11,000
Rp. 10,000
Rp. 1,000
Rp. 490,000
Rp. 100
Rp. 2,800,000
Rp. 490
Rp. 600,000
Rp. 2,100,000
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